Parents are the key to every youth's success

No matter how well a youth does with us, they have to return home. Parental involvement with youth, prior, during, and after treatment is one of the largest indicators for future success.

Are we a good fit?

Parents are faced with difficult decisions and questions at every turn. What can I do for my child? Where can I turn for help? What did I do wrong? How can I afford this? Is it worth it? When will this ever end? When can I get my life back? And on and on. Our goal at Daybreak Canyon is to provide the support and assistance at every turn to answer tough questions and to help make tough decisions.

We can help you decide if Daybreak Canyon is right for you. We are committed to having the right families as clients and recognize that we are not right for every family. Some youth referred to us will not need to be in residential treatment. In these cases we can help refer to other types of services that we know and trust. In some cases a youth may need a more intensive higher level of care; we can also help refer families those services. Even for youth that fit our program, it does not mean we are always a good fit. The families, especially the parents, have to agree with our mission and philosophy and feel it is right for their son.

We recognize that there may be elements of our program that turn people off. For some "green" is almost a swear word or the thought of international travel helping others in another country is not their cup of tea. We are looking for families that enjoy and appreciate the things we do and it obviously makes it easier if a family espouses many of the same beliefs that we hold dear. For those families, please check us out and let us help you help your family!

Parent Involvement

We expect and require parental participation. We believe that parental involvement is absolutely essential to every youth's future success.

It starts by being involved. At first that is phone calls, letters, and visits if possible. Daybreak Canyon can help coordinate visits and accommodations. Early on parents will be asked to participate in family counseling. Many times this is when parents first feel that urge to run and hide. We have heard many parents say, "But it is my son that needs help!" Because your son is placed with us, our program includes the whole family as our client. Active and full participation in counseling is crucial, our therapist is great and will really help walk you through the process.

Finally the process of re-integrating your son into your home and family life. This is a process! We are not going to leave you high and dry and tell you to come pick up your son because he is done. We require at least three home visits after a couple of local or community passes before we send youth home. Prior to each pass or visit we will work with you and your son to set goals and objectives for each experience. After each pass or visit we will process with you, your son, and then as needed all of you together to review how things went and the status of the goals and objectives. We can help iron out any problems or issues that arise. We hope that you can gain new skills yourself by actively participating in our program and we help guide you as you implement new skills yourselves.

We are committed to your family and hope that you can be committed to Daybreak Canyon!


You might be asking yourself, "how does this all work and why is it significant to me and my child?" Well you have just asked our first and most common FAQ. Below you will find answers to some questions that we have answered over the years. However if you do not see an answer to a question, please shoot Larry an email or give him a call.

  • During awake hours we are at least 1:4 and at night we have 1 awake staff for every 20 youth.

  • Do you use pain techniques to manage my son's behavior?

  • Yes we are privately owned and operated.

  • We charge $300 per day, a rate that we feel is competitive with the level of service we provide and the uniqueness of our program.

  • We use a combination of a level system, breathers, time outs, and manual restraints through a nationally recognized program (only if the youth poses an eminent threat to themselves, others, or significant property damage).

  • The fishing is great, spinners work great for the trout but what we are most excited about is the fly fishing. Every youth will have an opportunity to learn how to tie their own flies, make their own fly rod, and learn how to fly fish, we know you're jealous!

  • We believe that we offer a unique program. We believe the focus on our 5 Pillars of Self, Family, Community, Conservation, and Spirituality is unique but is all encompassing. We also feel that our international service and conservation emphasis is unique to us alone. We believe that Daybreak Canyon can help the right families and also create lasting memories and experiences!

  • It depends on what you mean. If you mean are we committed to operating a socially responsible business and doing everything we can to conserve and protect the environment, then yes!

  • Right now no, however due to our unique program and our small size we are anticipating that we will fill up soon. We have a rolling admission policy and can admit youth at any time. After that admission will be based on our waiting list.

  • We take privacy seriously! Our location is ideal for a youth that needs to be out of the public or paparazzi's eyes or camera lens. Our staff are trained on how to protect the youth we serve and will take every legal measure possible to protect a youth's safety and identity

  • Well if you want to have an individual meeting with Larry, that is your best bet!